(( Contractor Impound Guide ))

The Contractor Tenders section exists to provide contractors an opportunity to bid for various civilian contract positions in the Department.

Moderators: LSSD: Command Staff, OOTS: SIB, CPD: Traffic Services Detail Command

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Frank Spaletto
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(( Contractor Impound Guide ))

Post by Frank Spaletto »

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With approval from a Deputy, contractors are now able to sign a vehicle into the impound lot once towed to the lot. To do this, the contractor must first inquire IC whether the vehicle is being impounded, or just relocated for safe keeping. If it's the latter, the following does not apply. If the vehicle is being impounded, you can ask the authorising Deputy to do the following:
/approveimpound [target (ID of contractor)] [days] [confirm]
Once the Deputy runs this command, the contractor is now authorised to impound the vehicle, and roleplay can continue for loading the vehicle onto the flatbed and transported to the impound lot. Once there, the approved contractor can then run the following command, at the /impound spot, which will sign the vehicle into the lot for the given amount of days.
It is important that you are standing right beside the vehicle that is being impounded, and not inside it, or in proximity of any other vehicle, as you may end up impounding your flatbed instead of the vehicle that needs to be impounded, and it won't be able to be released until after the time is up.

Questions about the process can be directed to the authorising Deputy, or emailed to [email protected] if the Deputy is unable to assist.

Deputy Sheriff (Bonus II) Frank Spaletto
Team Scout, Special Enforcement Detail
Coordinator, Crisis Negotiations Team

Los Santos County Sheriff's Department - "A Tradition of Service"


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