Careers in the Department

If interested parties do not have prior SA POST Basic certification, they must go through the entirety of the Sheriff's Department Academy.
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Lieutenant Lisa Chan

Open Continous
Posts: 1216
Joined: Fri Jan 17, 2020 7:54 pm

Careers in the Department

Post by LSSD »



  • Members of the Department are eligible to apply for specialty assignments (either primary or secondary) after completing their probationary period. (( Approximately 60 days from faction entry, exactly 30 days after graduating from the Field Training Program. ))

    While some Deputies remain in a specific patrol-focused assignment for their entire career, the department holds various positions which allow a Deputy to apply themselves directly in a specific field of expertise.

    Beyond these assignments, dedicated Deputies can apply to advance to the rank of Sergeant. Sergeant promotions are dependent on vacancies within the specific assignment the Deputy is applying for and/or currently holds. (( Sergeant applicants must have 60 days from the graduation of the Field Training Program to be eligible to apply, in addition to other activity and contribution requirements. ))

Assignment Directory

Traffic Enforcement Deputy, Traffic Services Detail (DVS/SEN)
  • Paygrade: Generalist

    The primary goal of the Traffic Services Detail is the education and enforcement of state traffic laws within Los Santos County while aiming to reduce motor vehicle accidents, and improve the safety of roads for all residents and visitors. This will be achieved through high-visibility and covert traffic enforcement missions, such as stationary traffic monitoring, driver's license checkpoints, DUI checkpoints, bait car operations, etc. Applicants are expected to be well-versed in the traffic laws of the state and have demonstrated proficiency in the areas of traffic enforcement, crash investigation, DUI investigation, traffic homicide investigation, and more.

Field Investigator, Major Crimes Bureau (MCB)
  • Paygrade: Bonus I

    The Major Crimes Bureau is responsible for conducting investigations and providing investigative services to the Sheriff's Department, and to other agencies county-wide. This bureau specializes in investigations related to organized crime, outlaw motorcycle gangs, terrorist groups, cargo theft, gaming, fugitives, mobile and static surveillance, health care related crimes that threaten the public's health and safety, witness security and/or relocation, kidnaping/extortions, pattern and series robberies, solicitations to commit murder, threats to Department employees and government officials, assault weapon violations, pawns and business license inspections, and specified violent felony crimes against Department members.

Narcotics Investigator, Narcotics Bureau (D6)
  • Paygrade: Bonus I

    The primary responsibility of the Narcotics Bureau is to investigate narcotics related crimes. This Bureau possesses various tools and resources necessary to combat narcotics related crimes and operates in a Detective capacity. Detectives, known as Narcotics Investigators, attached to the unit are to direct their focus on everything narcotics related and to liaise with other units and departments in relation to narcotics investigations.

Special Assignment Team, Davis Station (DVS)
  • Paygrade: Bonus I

    The Special Assignment Team is a joint effort between the City of Davis and the Sheriff's Department, with the task of diverting and assigning certain deputies to long-standing problems harming the quality of life of the city. This includes graffiti abatement, directed patrols in certain neighborhoods, alcohol buy stings, bicycle and beach patrol, and being trained to serve low to medium-risk arrest warrants. This assignment is also a community focused assignment; you will liaise with local businesses and citizens to address points of concern, questions, and solve any issues they may have from start to finish.

Tactical Canine Handler, Special Enforcement Bureau (CSD)
  • Paygrade: Bonus I

    The purpose of the SEB Tactical Canine Handler is to support the Special Enforcement Bureau's Special Weapons Team's tactical operations by assisting in the location and apprehension of potentially violent suspects and/or crucial evidence through the utilization of Department police service dogs. The majority of a Tactical Canine Handler's time will be spent training with, and caring for their canine. SEB Tactical Canine Handlers are responsible for the continuous training, housing, feeding, and care of Department canines.

Gang Investigator, Operation Safe Streets Detail (OSSB)
  • Paygrade: Bonus I

    This unit consists of 15 Gang Investigator Sheriff's personnel, assigned to the most heavily gang-impacted station areas. The teams respond to those calls suspected of being gang involved primarily and prioritise any situation that is gang related. Their patrol endeavours are concentrated in those areas frequented by gang members and where reported violent gang activity is commonplace. Through this unit's specialized patrol efforts, it is hoped that gang activity will decrease.

Flight Deputy, Aero Bureau
  • Paygrade: Bonus I (( Alternative Character Position ))

    The purpose of an Aero Bureau Flight Deputy is to provide airborne-related assistance to law enforcement operations of the Los Santos County Sheriff's Department (LSSD) and other law enforcement agencies by coordinating and supporting law enforcement ground units. The Aero Bureau participates in a variety of missions including patrol support, surveillance, search and rescue, and pursuits by coordinating ground unit responses to crimes in progress, operating specialized equipment, and communicating with other law enforcement personnel.

Homicide Investigator, Homicide Bureau (HB)
  • Paygrade: Bonus I

    The responsibilities of the Homicide Bureau (HB) include but are not only limited to:
    • Accidental deaths;
      Natural deaths (Coroner cases);
      Missing juveniles when there is suspicion of foul play; or missing over 30 days;
      Missing and unidentified persons (adults);
      Shootings involving Department personnel that result in injury or death;
      Assaults against on-duty Department personnel that result in life-threatening or serious injury; and
      Found human remains.

Canine Deputy, Davis Station (DVS) / Canine Deputy, Senora Station (SEN)
  • Paygrade: Bonus I

    The purpose of the Station Canine Deputy is to support the Los Santos County Sheriff's Department's patrol operations by assisting in the location and apprehension of potentially violent suspects and/or crucial evidence through the utilization of Department police service dogs. The majority of a Canine Deputy's time will be spent training and caring for the canine. Station Canine Deputies are responsible for the continuous training, housing, feeding, and care of Department canines.

Team Deputy, North County Crime Impact Team (SEN)
  • Paygrade: Bonus I

    The purpose of the North County Crime Impact Team (NC-CIT) is to target and suppress criminal cells and organized crime through specialized patrol presence, community outreach, and rapport establishment. NC-CIT operates both independently, and alongside Headquarter Detectives and Operation Safe Streets, effectively handling the role of Detective Bureau's 'boots on the ground'.

SEB Deputy, Special Enforcement Bureau (SWT)
  • Paygrade: Bonus I

    The Special Enforcement Detail is comprised of 6 Special Weapons Teams (SWT) responsible for handling all high-risk tactical operations involving barricaded suspects, hostage situations, terrorist threats, dignitary protection, maritime operations, and high-risk warrant services. The Special Enforcement Detail provides tactical teams and mutual aid requests to the entire county of Los Santos to various cities and unincorporated areas within its borders. Additionally, the Special Enforcement Detail provides tactical support to the Department of Homeland Security and other federal law enforcement agencies throughout the United States who operate within the county of Los Santos.

Tactical Paramedic, Special Enforcement Bureau (ESD)
  • Paygrade: Bonus II

    The Emergency Services Detail provides specialized medical support, search and rescue capabilities, and air ambulance capabilities to the County of Los Santos. Members of the Emergency Services Detail's Tactical Medic Team are nationally certified paramedics with certifications in tactical medicine, flight medicine, and critical care medicine. They are also trained in technical rescue, swift water rescue, public safety diving, and a select few are rescue swimmer qualified. All members of ESD are fully qualified S.W.A.T. operators.

Resident Deputy, Senora Sheriff's Station
  • Paygrade: Bonus II

    The purpose of the Resident Deputy Program is to better serve residents of rural communities within Los Santos County by connecting them with a law enforcement point-of-contact who understands that communities' unique and specific needs. On top of their general law enforcement duties, Resident Deputies employ their specialized training and a variety of equipment to tackle community-specific problems.

Field Training Officer
  • Paygrade: Bonus I

    The Field Training Program is arguably one of, if not the most entity in the Department. Field Training Officers are looked at as role models for new deputies and are held to the highest standard. Field Training Officers are seen as the best the agency has to offer, and are given preference during promotional reviews.

    All deputies that meet the eligibility are encouraged to become Field Training Officers. The position of Field Training Officer is a Bonus I position and offers a pay bonus of $200 per pay period. The job of Field Training Officers is to ensure that patrol trainees are given the adequate hands-on field training necessary to perform to standards as a solo patrol deputy. If you are interested in shaping the future of our department and law enforcement at large, we heavily encourage you to take interest in this position.

    For those who are wishing to progress in the department, the Field Training Program is a crucial and ideal stepping stone in order to further your career within the department, as well as to further your experience and develop essential leadership skills. Progression options available include; becoming a Master Field Training Officer and even receiving an endorsement from the coordinator of the program prior to your advancement into the Basic Sergeant Supervisory School in your desired assignment, will go a long way in the selection process.

Instructor, Professional Development Unit (PDU)
  • Paygrade: Secondary Assignment

    The Professional Development Instructor position is within the established Professional Development Unit. As an integral part of the unit, Instructors are tasked with shaping the educational experiences of law enforcement personnel. Instructors play a crucial role in the delivery of courses and practical exercises designed to enhance the skills, knowledge, and abilities of fellow department members.

Watch Deputy, Davis/Senora Sheriff's Station (DVS)
  • Paygrade: Bonus I

    Watch Deputies are an integral part of a station operations. Watch Deputies shall assign patrol personnel to calls for service, ensure that response times are adequate and also oversee non-critical incidents or scenes in the absence of a supervisor.

Investigator Sergeant, Internal Affairs Bureau
  • Paygrade: (( Alternative Character Assignment, Sergeant ))

    The primary responsibility of the Internal Affairs Bureau is to record and investigate complaints filed against Department employees. As such, to maintain public confidence and trust, it is the objective of the Bureau to thoroughly and impartially investigate all complaints filed against Department employees. This extends to each investigation being presented for review to the respective Unit Commander and Executive (up to and including the Sheriff), for a fair and appropriate adjudication and/or disciplinary action, with consideration given to the complainant, the Department, the individual employee, and public trust.

Tactical Flight Deputy, Aero Bureau
  • Paygrade: Secondary Assignment

    Tactical Flight Deputies ("TFDs") are individual deputies not type rated nor certified to operate aircraft, taking the role of camera operators and department radio operators for the duration of a flight. As such, Tactical Flight Deputies are not to act as co-pilots, instead they merely provide limited support for the Los Santos Sheriff's Department within an aircraft and assist the pilot by taking those responsibilities.

Court Deputy, Court Services Bureau
  • Paygrade: Secondary Assignment

    The Central Court Services Bureau of the Los Santos County Sheriff's Department serves as the primary transportation, security, and executive arm of the San Andreas Courts' operations in Los Santos County.

Community Aid Deputy, North County Crime Impact Team
  • Paygrade: Secondary Assignment

    A Community Aid Deputy of the North County Crime Impact Team is a secondary assignment position. This position is comprised of deputies and/or detectives, tasked with performing Community Outreach Patrols and are expected to function as community investigators and social representatives for targeted areas. Community Aid Deputies are also assigned with performing civil services, such as assisting civilians with property recovery in the aftermath of thefts or robberies, as well as graffiti documentation and cleanup outside of city limits. Community Aid Deputies may not partake in Suppression and Surveillance Patrols, or any warrant services/executions.

Staff Instructor, Recruit Training Unit (RTU)
  • Paygrade: Secondary Assignment (Bonus II at Lead Staff Instructor)

    The Recruit Training Unit (RTU) falls under the Training Bureau. The unit is responsible for presenting the basic San Andreas Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) Academy training to Deputy Sheriff Trainees and training for Custody Assistants. The Recruit Training Unit is comprised of a staff of Deputies who possess a high level of patrol experience, Field Training Officer experience, and an incredible ability to teach and train.

Pre Employment Investigator, Pre Employment Unit (PEU)
  • Paygrade: Secondary Assignment (Bonus I at 30 days+ service, Bonus II at Senior Pre Employment Investigator)

    The Pre-Employment Unit falls under the Training Bureau. The unit is tasked with handling the department's sworn and civilian personnel hiring processes. Members who are assigned to this unit are directly responsible for the growth of the department while upholding the department's integrity and standards. Members will be directly involved in the process from start to finish.

Public Information Officer, Davis/Senora Sheriff's Station
  • Paygrade: Secondary Assignment

    The overarching duty of the Public Information Officer is to act as the primary liaison between the Unit Commander of their station and the community by organizing, hosting, and engaging in community-driven events as well as handling any media related responsibilities for the station the PIO is assigned to.

Public Response Dispatcher, Communications & Fleet Mgmt Bureau
  • Paygrade: (( Alternative Character Assignment ))

    The Sheriff's Communications Center (SCC) is the dispatching entity utilized by the Los Santos County Sheriff's Department, housed under the Communications and Fleet Management Bureau (CFMB). SCC is responsible for providing dispatching services for all LSSD entities that operate over the radio.

Motors Deputy, Traffic Services Detail (DVS/SEN)
  • Paygrade: Secondary Assignment

    The primary goal of the Traffic Services Detail is the education and enforcement of state traffic laws within Los Santos County while aiming to reduce motor vehicle accidents, and improve the safety of roads for all residents and visitors. This will be achieved through high-visibility and covert traffic enforcement missions, such as stationary traffic monitoring, driver's license checkpoints, DUI checkpoints, bait car operations, etc. Applicants are expected to be well-versed in the traffic laws of the state and have demonstrated proficiency in the areas of traffic enforcement, crash investigation, DUI investigation, traffic homicide investigation, and more. As a Motors Deputy, you will be assigned as a department motorcycle (Mary) unit for the duration of your patrol, assigned to carry out specific tasks such as traffic enforcement, specifically against motorcycles, along with assisting patrol units in pursuits of motorcycle or other two wheel vehicles.

Criminalist, Scientific Services Bureau
  • Paygrade: (( Alternative Character Assignment ))

    The primary responsibility of the Scientific Services Bureau is to provide crime scene investigation and forensic services to the Department and other law enforcement agencies if requested. The Bureau comprises of various sections, manned by qualified personnel, to ensure the safe and appropriate handling, processing, and testing of evidence from crime scenes.

DVS = Davis Sheriff's Station
SEN = Senora Sheriff's Station
CSD = Canine Services Detail
D6 = Narcotics Bureau, "D6" is the callsign representation for Narcotics Bureau Detectives.
OSSB = Operation Safe Streets Bureau
SEB = Special Enforcement Bureau
SWT = Special Weapons Team
Secondary Assignment = Assignments which have administrative or otherwise allow parallel "primary" assignments for the Deputy.

(( An alternative character assignment allows the member to create an alternative character to participate in the assignment. The character is generally not permitted to perform any other assignment (such as patrol) and may only act as a Deputy in that specific assignment's capacity. ))

Sheriff Gregory Reznik
Los Santos County Sheriff's Department ⎯ "A Tradition of Service"
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